Cheap British Airways flights from London to Gibraltar for £67

  • 20.06.2024 21:10
  • Eugene

Check out this great deal! Direct British Airways flights from London to Gibraltar are now starting at only £67 for a round trip.

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The unique blend of history, natural beauty, and cultural diversity makes Gibraltar a captivating destination for travelers.
Here are some of the notable tourist attractions in Gibraltar:
The Rock of Gibraltar: This iconic limestone promontory is the most famous landmark of Gibraltar. Rising 426 meters (1,398 feet) above sea level, it offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding area, including the Strait of Gibraltar and the coast of Africa. The Rock is also home to several attractions within its vast nature reserve.
St. Michael’s Cave: Situated within the Rock of Gibraltar, St. Michael’s Cave is a stunning natural cavern with impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. The cave has been used for various purposes throughout history, including as a military hospital during World War II. Today, it serves as a popular tourist attraction, hosting concerts and theatrical performances due to its excellent acoustics.
Moorish Castle: This medieval fortress, also located on the Rock, dates back to the Moorish period. The castle offers sweeping views of Gibraltar and its surroundings and houses the Tower of Homage, which was once used as a prison. Exploring the castle allows visitors to step back in time and appreciate the architectural legacy of the Moors.
Europa Point: Located at the southernmost tip of Gibraltar, Europa Point provides stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar. It is home to the Trinity Lighthouse, the Ibrahim-al-Ibrahim Mosque (one of the largest mosques in Europe), and the Shrine of Our Lady of Europe, a Catholic shrine dedicated to Gibraltar’s patroness.

Travel dates:
November 2024 – March 2025

Example dates:
18-25 Nov, 2-9, 11-18 Dec, 13-20, 15-22, 18-26, 20-27 Jan, 27 Jan – 3 Feb, 3-10 Feb, 24 Feb – 2 Mar, 2-9 Mar

London – Gibraltar – London

Baggage allowance:
Check out airline policy for baggage allowance

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Hotel £152/double

In Gibraltar consider staying at the well-rated 4*The Eliott Hotel

The Eliott Hotel

This is an example booking for one night. You can easily adjust the duration and the number of travellers.

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