HIGH SEASONšŸŒ“ Flights from London to Puerto Rico from Ā£446

  • 17.06.2024 21:26
  • Eugene
Puerto Rico ManatĆ­ unsplash

Check out these discounted flights from London to sunny Puerto Rico! Book tickets to San Juan starting at Ā£446 for a round trip.

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Puerto Rico is a beautiful Caribbean island known for its rich culture, history, and natural beauty. It offers a wide range of tourist attractions for visitors to explore and enjoy.
Here are some of the top tourist attractions in Puerto Rico:
Old San Juan: This historic city center is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is renowned for its colorful colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and impressive forts. Must-visit sites here include El Morro and San CristĆ³bal forts, as well as the vibrant neighborhoods with shops, restaurants, and art galleries.
El Yunque National Forest: Located in the northeastern part of the island, El Yunque is the only tropical rainforest in the United States National Forest System. Visitors can explore lush hiking trails, swim in natural pools beneath waterfalls, and enjoy breathtaking views from the Yokahu Observation Tower.
Bioluminescent Bays: Puerto Rico is home to three of the world’s few bioluminescent bays, where microorganisms in the water emit a blue-green glow when disturbed. Mosquito Bay on Vieques Island and Laguna Grande in Fajardo are popular spots for kayak tours that offer a magical experience after sunset.
Ponce: Known as the “Pearl of the South,” Ponce is Puerto Rico’s second-largest city and offers a mix of historic architecture, museums (such as the Ponce Art Museum), and vibrant festivals.
Rincon: This beach town on the west coast is a haven for surfers and beach lovers. It’s also known for its relaxed vibe, stunning sunsets, and whale-watching opportunities during certain times of the year.
Coffee Plantations: Puerto Rico is known for its coffee production. You can visit coffee plantations in the central mountain region, like Hacienda Buena Vista, to learn about the coffee-making process and sample some of the island’s finest brews.

Travel dates:
November 2024 – March 2025

Example dates:
2-13, 4-12, 8-16, 12-19, 18-28 Nov, 3-10, 4-16, 10-24 Dec, 14-22, 21-28, 22-29 Jan, 29 Jan – 5 Feb, 3-11, 5-12 Feb, 19 Feb – 5 Mar, 3-16 Mar

London ā€“ San Juan ā€“ London

Baggage allowance:
Check out airline policy for baggage allowance

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Hotel Ā£169/double

In San Juan we encourage you to stay at the top-rated 3*Esj Towers Hotel

Esj Towers Hotel

This is an example booking for one night. You can easily adjust the duration and the number of travellers.

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