🌴 Non-stop British Airways flights from London to Bermuda for £586

  • 23.06.2024 11:02
  • Eugene
Bermuda pixabay

Visit the paradisiacal Bermuda! Book non-stop British Airways flights from London to Hamilton starting at £586 for a round trip!

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Bermuda, a stunning archipelago in the North Atlantic Ocean, offers a captivating blend of British charm and Caribbean vibrancy. Famous for its pink sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant marine life, Bermuda is an ideal destination for travelers seeking both relaxation and adventure.
Pink Sand Beaches: One of Bermuda’s most iconic features is its pink sand beaches, a result of crushed coral and shells mixing with the sand. Horseshoe Bay is perhaps the most famous, with its crescent-shaped shoreline and azure waters. Elbow Beach and Warwick Long Bay are equally stunning, offering serene settings for sunbathing, swimming, and picnicking.
Crystal Caves: Discovered in the early 20th century, Bermuda’s Crystal Caves are a subterranean wonder. Visitors can explore the stunning formations of stalactites and stalagmites reflected in crystal-clear underground lakes. This natural attraction offers a magical experience, taking you into the depths of the island’s geological history.
Snorkeling and Diving: Bermuda is renowned for its vibrant marine life and pristine coral reefs. Church Bay and Tobacco Bay are top snorkeling spots where you can encounter colorful fish and fascinating underwater landscapes. For diving enthusiasts, Bermuda’s waters are dotted with historic shipwrecks, offering thrilling dives into the past.
Historic St. George’s: St. George’s, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is a charming town steeped in history. As the oldest continuously inhabited English settlement in the New World, it boasts cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and significant landmarks like St. Peter’s Church, the oldest Anglican church outside the British Isles. Visitors can step back in time and explore the well-preserved 17th-century town.
Royal Naval Dockyard: The Royal Naval Dockyard is a testament to Bermuda’s maritime heritage. This sprawling complex features historical buildings, museums, shops, and restaurants. Highlights include the National Museum of Bermuda, showcasing the island’s rich history, and the Dolphin Quest, where visitors can interact with these intelligent marine mammals.
Hamilton: Bermuda’s capital city, Hamilton, is the vibrant heart of the island. This bustling city offers a mix of modern amenities and colonial charm. Explore Front Street, lined with pastel-colored buildings, upscale boutiques, and waterfront restaurants. The city’s lively atmosphere makes it perfect for shopping, dining, and experiencing Bermudian culture.

Travel dates:
late August – October 2024

Example dates:
20 Aug – 6 Sep, 9-16, 16-23, 20-27 Sep, 27 Sep – 4 Oct, 30 Sep – 7 Oct, 4-11, 7-14, 11-18, 21-28 Oct

London Heathrow – Hamilton – London Heathrow

Baggage allowance:
Check out airline policy for baggage allowance

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Hotel £323/double

In Bermuda stay at the well-rated 4*Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa

Newstead Belmont Hills Golf Resort & Spa

This is an example booking for one night. You can easily adjust the duration and the number of travellers.

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